Convinced that beyond the words, the body has also enormously things to say
and it holds within it our history and our injuries, I offer support with a psycho-
corporal approach: breathing and grounding exercices, body care, rituals, meditation, and even artistic and creative activities.
The Closing of the Bones Ceremony and the Herb Bath or Baño de Hierbas are a central point of my propositions. Very much linked to my Mexican culture, i help women to ritualise the significant events and the passages of life and to recreate a community around us and it is a privilege to receive young mothers and their little ones (if she considers it neccesary).

As a psycho-corporal therapist of perinatology and women, I offer you moments of
gentleness and reconnection with yourself in each period of life marked by transformation. My main mission is to walk by your side and at your pace. I am part of your village.With a vast experience in accompanying and attentive listening, I put my sensitivity, my knowledge and my tools at your service through various individual experiences (with or without your baby), in a group, at home, in my cocoon or outside so together we can find the tools that will allow you to move forward in your projects and your relationships and establish a network of trusted professionals to whom you can turn
to in case of difficulty.

My accompaniments are strongly nourished by my Mexican culture, by love of life, the bounty (and the beauty) of nature which serves me as a therapeutic tool – for example, I propose woodland walks of reconnection to oneself and that of nature toimpregnate the cyclic nature of Mother Earth, to marvel at the little everyday things of life and soothe your mind by and/or walking therapy; each Rebozo or herb bath is accompanied by a blend of medical plants unique according to the individual needsof each woman who receives it. The support I offer is tailor-made and evolvesaccording to your needs, your needs, which resonate with you.
I will accompany you in French, Spanish or English.
For all appointments